Sándor Dóró


2011 Dresden, Stadtarchiv Galerie, painting, drawing
2010 Szolnok, Müvésztelep Galerie, painting, drawing
2007 Budapest, MMG Galerie "Megnézzük magunknak", painting
2006 Möhnesee-Delecke, "Art-Pieces of Drüggelt", paintings, sculptures
2005 Dresden, Gallery Regierungspräsidium, Gallery of the Seat of Government, painting, sculptures
2004 Budapest, Gallery DUNA, painting and plastics
2003 Freital, Einnehmerhaus, Association of Arts, art works on paper
2003 Solingen, Gallery Presse, painting on paper
2002 Köln, by Karl-Heinz Schültke, painting on paper
2002 Debrecen(Ungarn), Mü-terem Galéria "objektek és papirképek", performance
2002 Dresden, Gallery Am Blauer Wunder, painting on paper, objects
2001 Budapest, MAMÜ Gallery, paintingon paper, objects, performance
2001 Görlitz, Gallery Klingel, "EUROPOSITION", painting on paper, performance (together with Zoltán Fátyol)
1999 Dresden, Leonhardi-Museum,"TRANSFINIT", painting, drawing und collages, performance
1999 Bautzen, Gallery of the Bautzener Association of Arts (together with Frank Herrmann), installations, drawings
1998 Schwenden (Schweiz), "Centering", land-art
1998 Dresden, Gallery am Damm, "Fifty-ytfiF"(together with Volker Lenkeit), painting-wall-installation
1997 Dresden, Gallery "Art and time", "Coordinates", re-installation
1997 Frankfurt/Oder, Gallery "B" (together with Péter Herendi and János Eiffert), small sculpture
1996 Dresden, Gallery Mitte, painting and installation
1995 Görlitz, Gallery Klinger, "IN OVO", painting and sculpture
1995 Dresden, "Gallery am Damm", painting and sculpture
1994 Berlin, Gallery Sophien Edition (together with Veit Hofmann), objects und installations
1993 Köln, Gallery Schültke, painting
1993 Dresden, Alte Feuerwache, installation
1993 Berlin, Gallery "M" (together with Veit Hofmann), objects and installations
1991 Dresden, Gallery AUTOGEN, paintings and objects
1990 Arnsberg, Gallery BOGEN, box pictures and objects
1990 Budapest, Gallery DUNA "without titel", Installation (together with Andreas Hegewald and Jörg Sonntag)
1989 Dresden, Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, paintings and objects
1989 Arnsberg, House of culture, paintings, drawings and objects
1988 Gyöngyös (Ungarn), City-Gallery, paintings and drawings
1986 Lobenstein, City-Gallery (together with Siegfried Appelt)
1986 Dresden, House of culture "August Bebel", paintings and drawings